【澳门尼威斯人网站8311欢迎您素质教育讲座】Robustness and Evolvability in Evolutionary Computation

发布时间:2016-09-21     字体:[增加 减小]
    讲座主题:Robustness and Evolvability in Evolutionary Computation (演化计算中的鲁棒性和可进化性)
        Robustness, the maintenance of a phenotypic character in the presence of genotypic changes, is the result of a redundant mapping between genotype and phenotype, where many mutational variants of a genotype produce an identical phenotype. Such robustness, at first glance, seems to hinder the capability of innovating, i.e. evolvability. However, empirical evidences have been reported on living organisms that robustness can facilitate evolvability since it allows genetic variants to expand in neutral spaces that provide a staging ground for future adaptive innovations. Redundant genotype to phenotype mapping is common in Evolutionary Computation. We use genotype networks to characterize the mutational connectivity of an Evolutionary Computation system, and to further quantify robustness and evolvability at the genotype, phenotype, and fitness levels. We show that robustness and evolvability correlate very differently at these three levels, and their interplay crucially depends on how the mutational connections are distributed among phenotypes.
       胡婷博士,加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学(Memorial University,St. John’s)计算机系助理教授。2010年获加拿大纽芬兰纪念大学计算机专业博士学位,2005年获武汉大学计算机软件与理论专业工学硕士学位,2003年获武汉大学数学与统计专业理学学士学位,2010年至2015年在美国达特茅斯学院的计算遗传研究室(Computational Genetics Laboratory)从事博士后研究。目前主要研究方向为复杂网络、复杂系统,计算遗传,演化计算、智能计算及机器学习等。在国际重要学术会议(如:PPSN,PSB,EuroGP,GECCO,NECEC等)、期刊(BioData Mining,Artificial Life,Genetic Epidemiology,Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines等)发表论文40余篇。